Forced Pit Stop
Apparently rest and recovery was on order by the universe this week. On Monday, after cranking for four days straight on a HUGE project, I was playing around with Lucy, my sweet mutt, when my back just gave out. I crumpled to the ground in pain and spent the next hour on the floor staring at my ceiling thinking it was probably time to slow down. I have been recuperating since then, but I can’t say that I’m all that much better. I will tell you that scrambling to get drop offs and pick ups covered for three kids to three different schools is a full time job. My friends here in Baltimore have come to the rescue with lunches, dog walks, groceries, and kid shuttling. Thank you everyone!
I’m trying to take it in stride and let myself be okay with just lying here. I can’t even knit comfortably! Well, deep breaths for me and I’m sending some to you. Being so still makes me realize just how much I’m on the go, go, go most of the time. The winter light has been pouring in the windows, thankfully, and I’m coming to grips with the fact that everything I have on my list will just have to slide for a week or two. And you know what, I think it will all be okay.
I plan on taking more moments to be still and quiet in the future so it doesn’t catch up with me all at once. Do you find you get sick or unwell after a big deadline or project? How do you maintain self-care and health in the craziness of life? I obviously need some help in this department, so leave a comment and let us all know!
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