Mid Make: Baby Tees and News To Please
I haven’t been completely idle this summer. I’ve gotten a lot of knitting done that I’m excited to share with you. I’m mid-design with little baby tee I’m working on for my friend who’s about to have twins (don’t look, Amanda!). I had some extra Jill Draper Aurora leftover from my Gudrun Johnston Shetland Trader sweater which I will share with you this week (yay! finish fifty). Well, I couldn’t let that beautiful fiber fester in the leftover stash basket so I dove right in with a new project.
In fact, there are lots of super good things happening over here. I’m so excited right now to have the first full week of school in front of me. I feel like my sky has just opened up.
First, I’m getting excited and prepped to teach at Create Explore Discover in Truckee this October. There are a couple of spots still open in my courses (including the course to learn how to make this crochet-trimmed pillow case. Don’t miss it!
Second, I just got asked by our LYS, Woolworks to teach an exciting crochet series where I will get to teach crochet-trimmed pillow cases, crochet-covered stones (pattern), and . . .
Photo from Churchmouse Yarns and Tea |
Third, I got great news in my email inbox on Thursday that I am itching to share with you all, but I’ll let it grow a little bit and see where it goes. Think exciting Martha Stewart Network news!
While I’m updating and promoting here, why not make a Halloween costume or two handmade this year? Take my Craftsy course and make some costumes that will be fabulous for creative play all year round!
Lastly, I’m working on a website update by Darling Studio that is going to be simply fabulous and I can finally focus on some of the details!
Okay, enough is enough. I always think I’m going to share one little mid-make photo, and off I go! So excited for steady blocks of time. . . see you REAL soon!
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