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Plant Cuttings In Water - Care and How To

plant cuttings how to and care

Does this very white winter have you needing some green and color in your life? Look no farther for the easiest way to bring beautiful, modern, yet vintage plant charm to your space with absolutely no effort. By adding plant cuttings to water, there’s no need to muss with dirt or remember watering. Not needing to remember? That sounds about right up my alley!

plant cuttings how to and care

When I was young, like pre-kids young, I surrounded myself with plants. I had a whole houseful that I tended so diligently because they brought me such joy. I would dust their leaves, test their soil, spritz and prune them daily, making them thrive. Post-kids, I didn’t want to have to take care of anything but those kiddos and some days I could barely do that. My houseful of plants petered down to a decrepit looking jade plant, sitting alone and abandoned on my window sill. These days, I haven’t found much more time and energy to care for plants, but I have just gotten smarter about it. There are great ways to add that touch of life to your space with little effort.

plant cuttings how to and care

Today, we’re sharing some fabulous species of plants that thrive beautifully as plant cuttings in water. Lots of tropical plants can be propagated through cuttings and kept alive in water, but some of the best species to do this include Split Leaf Philodendren, Monstera deliciosa “swiss cheese plant” (top vintage bottle) , Tradescantia zebrina “Wandering Jew” (above) and Pothos (in amber glass also with Wandering Jew).

For the how-to, you couldn’t get much easier: simply snip off a vine, remove any bottom leaves, and submerge the stem in water. Over time, the cuttings will begin to grow roots. Feel free to leave them in water, or plant in rich potting soil.

plant cuttings how to and care

For care, with enough water and indirect bright light, these species will easily thrive, soil or no! Using cuttings to propagate your plants is a cheap and easy way to increase your plant collection, as well.

plant cuttings how to and care

This post was brought to you in partnership with Liz Vayda of b.willow – my talented, go-to, plant expert. b.Willow creates unique indoor planters and terrariums using mostly repurposed materials. With a background in psychology and environmental science, Liz is passionate about bringing more nature into peoples’ every day lives. She believes wholeheartedly that indoor spaces should never disconnect us from the “more than human” world that we are part of. You can find her lovely work for purchase here or find her on Facebook here. Locally, she sells her work at Trohv or Milk & Honey Market.


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