And, It Comes To A Close
Are these saddle shoes more “back to school” than just about anything else you could imagine? These are crazy adorable to me (can you believe they, or new bucks, are required by A’s school?). We’re definitely not in Boulder anymore! I’m so excited that Allie gets to rock these this year, but they are also the sad harbinger of an amazing summer coming to a close.
You may have noticed this, but I did manage to let it (the blog) go a little this summer. I tried to release all expectations I have of myself and of this blog and just enjoy this warm, sunny moment in time.
Over the past year, I’ve been struggling to embrace the fact that I want to be a stay-at-home mom, first and foremost. My type A, career-driven persona objects, but my sentimental, loving soul insists. I want to keep making this blog the most it can be. I love it and adore creating, designing and teaching. Still, I have come to realize that I don’t want flax & twine’s success to be at the expense of my time and energy for and with the kids. These lovely kiddos will only be this age (8, 9, 10), which is just about the best age there is, I think, once. I want to revel in this time and soak it up.
I am amazed every day at what happy, smart, sensitive and insightful kiddos I have in my life. Well, sometimes, you have to pry through some whining, yelling, fighting, and certainly dirty rooms to find them, but they’re there. And, at this age, they love me to no end and want to be with me all the time (except when I make them put down the ipad). I’m a lucky, lucky girl. What adventures we had this summer . . .
We let the wind blow through our hair and traveled places we’d never been before.
We took daring leaps apart from each other (can you say 4 weeks at sleep away camp? gulp!), only to come back stronger, more independent and glowing with joy!
Hmm. Yes, I have to say it was worth putting some of my Finish Fifty projects on hold. Though I recently finished three of them (more on that to come), plus two other very cool DIYs that I think you’re gonna love. I hope you all had fabulous summers filled with love and adventure. What was your favorite part? Please share!
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