7 Ways to Get a Snow Day
So, you want to have a snow day? We have great news for you! Follow all these instructions to the letter and you will ensure yourself (most likely) a snow day! At least there is a crew of people here in this house wanting the very thing.
This “How to Get a Snow Day” list is according to my 4th grader, and she’s pretty much an authority. She insists that you MUST do each one!
Rules to Get a Snow Day
- PJs should be worn inside out and backwards
- Place a purple crayon by the window sill.
- Tape a paper snowflake to the window.
- Put a spoon under your pillow
- Flush an ice cube down the toilet.
- Pray for Snow.
- It WILL SNOW (most likely)
Then, given that you have a most awesome snow day on your hands, here are suggestions of how you can fill the glorious day!
You absolutely MUST go sledding (bounding, happy dog highly recommended, if possible).
Snow ball fight, snow angels, snow fort, snowmen and snow tunnels required!
Rest and relax after your hard work!
Now, bake yummalicious chocolate muffins! They are easier to make than you think!
Make your own set of indoor snowflakes. Hang everywhere. Watch out, this is addictive.
Create a little rainbow salt art while you’re at it, too – how to here!
Some of our best memories are snow days, so go out and enjoy the laughter and light and fluffy white stuff everywhere. And, if you don’t get a snow day, you can speak with my 4th grader about it!
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